Mr De Souza's big face on a 100 dollar note

Charmaine as the hong bao girl

Miss Santhi and Mr De Souza dress as bride and groom :D
Hello... Racial Hamony Day was just celebrated in school (:. I wore a Malay costume that I did not even noe then name. Anyway, RHD was a fun-filled day. We had morning assembly, then we were supposed to go to Block E classrooms to learn how to make a Ketupat. It ended up we did more excercise than I expected to do. Geraldine, Karen and I climbed storey by storey... didn't see anyone (only sec2s) then we went over to block D (saw the sec 4s) Gave up finding... went back to Block J to find our classmates. Realise they were at Block D 405... climbed four storeys again. Later, they announced that it was supposed to be Block E classrooms, so we walked all the way there again. This is so lame. I wonder wny can't they give clearer instructions. :(
I only managed to get the first part of Ketupat making. I was kind of a disaster. I couldn't really understand. Jan and Geraldine later told us that they actually took 3 hours just to make one. --" How were we expected to complete at least one within half an hour?
Carrying coloured ribbon strings, we proceeded to the gym. There we did Bangla Aerobics or something like that. It was kind of hilarious but a bit obscene. But everyone did it doubling in laughter. :) I should have really video taped it. It would have made a great memory.
Miss Wong was waiting outside to bring us to the canteen . I bought my favourite jelly to eat as usual and we queued up for some tu tu kueh. It is very nice.I used to queue up for it in the market near my house to eat this. Love. The queue was long.. super long. So we did not eat it on the spot. Had to wait till later. Miss Wong supposedly wanted to cut the queue and she ended squeezing us and ticklin' us. Jing Wen (aka Zhang mei mei) was so scared of tickles that she started laughing till she almost cried. I feel bad... The vnedor actually had a blister on his right thumb but he endured it to sell us the kueh. I feel... a bit sad.
Anyway, next was activities time. We were allowed to explore on our own. Whatever we want. So we wandered all over the place. Learning new stuff and taking a look at the different cultural items. Cool huh? We had nothing to do before the time was up, so we proceeded to the amphitheatre to watch this group of students form Australia perform. They were good. They had a band and a choir which we went to watch later.
Then we had assembly. Watched the fusion dance by sec3s, fashion shows by the Fashion Cluster. The Egyptian Dress was nice. And the teachers bridal runway. That was so cool. Later came the boring part - cleaning up.
Grace, Shanxi, Farah, Karen and I went to Plaza Singapura GV to watch Transformers. Cool huh. Ate a tub of popcorn and a bottle of coke. It was really funny. Everyone should go catch it.
Too bad the ticket stub was *lost* --"