/ 6:44 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008

Grimmjaw's released form which does not look really flattering

the hottest picture of Ichigo in hollow form. KYA~

cool and serious picture of Hitsugaya

er... I was just going to say something cool

the return to Earth is not as pretty
Matrix version of Bleach
sexy merchant
Kurosaki Ishin. All the dads are cooler than their sons :D

HAHA! Karen lent me Book 21 and 32 of BLEACH. Its been very long already and yet the Bleach Movie 2 has yet to come to Singapore. --" The anime is starting to catch up with the manga and the heated fight is still on between Grimmjow and Ichigo. :D

I am looking foward to the next book coming out in stores :D


/ 9:58 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008

bamboo grove - related to snakes
this is a lobster mud moe
a female and male spider against the sky
crab hiding behind

path cut out by continuous running of rain water

This one is kind of small. Click to enlarge and you will see a squirrel in the background

birds feeding in the background on crabs and lobsters

sitting down with the front mangrove in view

shells attached to the pillar supporting the board walk
This is the front mangrove
succulents that remove salt from the tree by forming salt crystals under the leaves.
gigantically tall roots

A fallen tree
These kind of roots are great tools for traping rubbish.

The story of the mudskipper and the crab. One day, the crab decided to walk towards the mudskipper. Then the mudskipper got angry and wacked it away. HAHA!

Asian holly. You know the ones that you see during Christmas
Blind-your-eyes. Beware of the sap.
soil being compacted from the roots. Mangroves and the natural way to reclaim land.

Can you spor the butterfly?

Sungei Buloh Trip Photos

It was a fun trip except the class chair person duties part. I almost got into trouble because two people came late. :( Thank God they managed to arrive on time :D The trip was really great. Just that there were plenty of mosquitos and it was pretty muddy. The best part was that it was low tide and got to see many things because of it.


all you want, but i know, i know your love is just a lie lie. you're nothing but a lie.
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