Net Carn `07/ 7:30 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jody with sunblock
The brownie cake

Adalie and Carey
Sandra and Adalie
Gloria and Adalie
backview: Jody and Grace
Grace, Jody and Adalie
ME:D, Karen and Adalie
Victoria, Ms Siu, Mdm Thern and Adalie
Victoria and Adalie
Charmaine and Adalie
class 105 photo
Karen being shot dead
Sandra commiting suicide
Wen Qi, Charmaine, Carey, Amanda

Today was a really tiring but fulfilling day for me. I experience the lost feeling when I stopped playing netball. Its been a really great time for me today as today is RGS Net Carnival for the Sev 1 level`07. I shall do the acknowledgements before I start rumbling about the entire thing.

First of all I would like to thank:
The Class Net Carn Captains: Geraldine and Sandra
for putting in alot of effort in making our team possible
The Cheer Squad: Shanxi, Natalie, Carey, Charmaine loh and Yap, Xue Ling, Geraldine, Adalie, Jia Le, Murnira and Jan
who came out with a really great cheers to cheer us on. And their effort for getting almost a tie in the second place. 105 is Super Duper :D
The players: Karen, Sandra, Farah, Nazihah, Yi Hui, Wei Zhen, Sophie, Jody, Ee Loon and teamates and ME(:
For putting up a close fight although we lost to 3 classes, we are great losers. (: Thank You for making my netball experience a really great one and it was really fun working with you guys. Jody, you have really improved alot... compared to that time when we practiced during the holidays. I think I have some apologising to some people, like Wei Zhen. I am really sorry thatI didn't really let you play. SORRY!:( but the position you wanted was already taken.

The shirt Team: Jia Le, Karen and ME (:
I am not ego, my phone bill became extra high because of the shirts. Hahaz. Jia Le, thanks for collecting the money and the shirts. And bargaining a good price for us with the Auntie. For patiently explaining what is needed as well. To Karen for spending time on designing the class shirt so that we all have one unique one. And to Karen and ME(: for staying back to get the quotes. (thats where the money went to)

The logistics people: Carey and company for taking care of us (:

The shooters:Gloria, Wen Qi, Gao Ang
Although you are not the professional shooters, we know that you have tried your best. I think that is very good. Ya'll dared to play and that is commendable.

The umpires: Catherine, Grace and Victoria for being good umpires during the games>YAY<>
Then came the last 3 games with 104, 106 and 108. These 3 classes were the hardest to beat. Although we lost to 104 by 1. Charla was in 104 as well. She is an extremely good defender and so is Zhi Tian. 104 had a very strong defence system in all. I think it was that they deserved to win. I am happy... long time since I had felt this kind of adreline rush. The kind whereby you are nervous but you anticipate the next game, wondering what it might bring next. I can't really recall who won for the game with 106 but I guess games are not all about winning. That I know. I also know the feeling of getting trashed. Not that we did in these games but Charla, Karen and I should know better. 31-1... ow miserable is that? you must be thinking. I would rather accept defeat gracefully then think that we are miserable. So always keep fightin :D The fight with 108 was a really tough one but at least we put up a good fight even though we lost. (not miserably though) I thank all the netballers in the team for showing us their fighting spirit. And Sandra for motivating us all through it.
This is our last and final game. No matter win or lose, we are just going to give it our best shot and have fun. And something 'bad' did happen though, My defender (I can't remember from which class) knocked off my specs and the lenses came off. And we had to search for them on the netball courts to ensure that they were not stepped on. Thank God they were not... or there would have been more *expensive and explosive sounds. I took me quite a while to get use to my wraped specs and play properly again. Next we were gathered on the Netball Courts again. Cleaned up, drank 2 cups of Milo. Then the teachers' match began. First we had half of the RGS Netball team and 1 P.E teacher against another. It was a fun and entertaining game. Grace, Catherine and Victoria was playing. Then we were allowed to choosed teacher's to come and play. I can't remember all that was named but these are a few: Miss Sharon Ong, Miss Santhi. Mr Lau, Mr Ben, Mr Ong, Mr Yo etc.
Our Netball girls put up a good fight against the male teachers but I could see that they were uncomfortable with playing with them. Firstly, they play it like basketball and volleyball. Next, its clearly not convenient to fight or vie the ball with them. Catherine nearly bumped into them. So I guess that was not really a fair game after all. Then was the results time: For the banner competition, 104, 110 and another class got 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Congradulations. For the cheerleading one. there was one class with a really cool cheer that got second. It was clearly a play of words. 'whose taking you to COURT' get it?? I doubt I have to explain that one. 101 did well as well. 105 got commendary comments and that the competition was very close. Then was the real thing... the overall champion. Everyone was holding their breathe. They finaly annouced that we had gotten 3rd with 36 points.
Then was 106 with 37 points and 108 was the champion with 40 points. To me, I think they all deserved what they have worked for they were good. 108's class and year will be carved on this cool shield that will be kept for the next 10 years. We all went back to class to celebrate as Ms Siu had gotten us all a brownie cake that was delicious. We were later told that there was a calculation error. We were actually first due to the penalty given to the classes who wore their house shirts. We were OVER THE MOON. No feeling could describe what everyone was feeling. I almost felt like crying. LOL. Its okay to cry when you are happy. Our hardwork had paid off.
We ran back to the Netball Courts so that we could hold the 'shield' trophy and take picture. Our class and year would be carved on one of the sections and it will be displayed for the next 10 years. While we took the picture, the rain started to pour. So we took a quick one and ran back to class in the rain. Then we ate cake, had fun, take picture and did wild stuff. We even took a video off 'RGS girls mass killing in school' to allow Sandra to practice and get comfortable with killing people. HAHa. A really great day. 105`07 legacy lives on forever. With Love.

Sunday Sermon 2/ 7:21 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today's Sunday Sermon was by Pastor Adriel again, about the power of worship. It was really a moving sermon, moving the entire YM into motion and praising God like never before. This is the power of worship. Worship is not just about coming to church and singing the songs. True worship brings 3 things, the prophetic voice of God, The presence of God and the victory of God. 2 Corinthians 20 tells a story about this country being cornered and about to be attacked by three countries. Yet they put worship before everything else. God actually crushed their enemies.

True worship allows you to experience the love and awe of God.

Faith sees the way, doubt sees the obstacles. Faith sees what has to be done, doubt sees what cannot. Have Faith and Worship Him even when things seems bleak. You have the choice to do it. :)


OM, IvP and Drama Night/ 9:20 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007

GG and Karen
Snadra and Karen
HAH!! You wanna die?
Aghh! someone call the police!
GG and Charmaine ( Gregory and Samantha)
Ewww... signs of affection there
Murnira doing her lines without Sandra.
Btw, Sandra is supposed to sit in the chair
resting time

Karen the mugging detective
moshi moshi... this is Karen
Karen interview the mysteriously vanished Sandra
Karen shouting out the case without Sandra,
insert* Sandra in the empty space

Karen and Catherine playing stress for fun
Destress with Stress (ironic)

Drama Night Audition was yesterday. Plus many other auditions. I felt a really dreadful feeling. I just wanted to get through the day and was thinking of how to survive the entire ordeal at all. Listing all the auditions I had in total, I think there were 5 I was involved in but in the end I only attended 4:

- OM written Paper
- IvP interview
- Drama Night Audition (Chramaine Yap helped me)
- OM Interview
- OM Lego Challenge
- OM hands-on individual and group (Monday)

The day started normally, but I was tired, only having slept 5 hours. I did the IvP prototype only last night after I returned home at 8.30pm. Plus, once I reached school I had to call Mrs Leung to inform her that my OM written paper and the interview was clashing at 8am and 8.10am respectively. Once I arrived in class, we (Averill, Victoria, Jia Le and I) continued rushing the OM model. It was kind of like a disaster. Then we rushed off for the written paper after the morning assembly at the parade square. The annoucements about the LOVEMEHATEMEKILLME now play was really funny. *Cha cha cha* and the one that the ELDS is putting up as well. *uncle LEe is watching you*

The written paper was about this: name things that explode. You will assessed based on the quantity and the quality of your answers.

Here are some of the things that I listed out:
coke with mentos
pencil cases
school bags
plastic bag with air when popped with the hand
etc etc.

Sandra had to rush for her interview which was right after that, while, Victoria, Jia Le, Averill and I returned to class to wait for our turn. Averill also had to practice for Drama Night Audition which will be due at 10am. So instead, the other 3 of us worked on the model. The classroom is in a total choas now. Apart from the mess on the floor, everyone was running in and out. The actresses are changing, others going through the script etc. It was hilarious as we had to do a rehearsal without Sandra... everyone was speaking into thin air. She was the main character.

I was incharged of the lights, sounds, and every other thing together with Carey. (Stage manager) Then Victoria and Jia Le helped to touch up the OM model. I was getting ready as well for my IvP interview. I had come up with 3 problems and their solutions already the previous night. I just needed to do a little touch up.
10am came quick and fast. The class left for their audition while I waited outside the dreaded J Block shared classroom to wait for my turn. To pass the time, I read my BLEACH comics (from Karen) and started drawing aimless doodles. Too bad I threw them away, if not I would have scanned them in to show you.

I finally entered. Mrs Leung was my interviewer. The other teacher had left for a toilet break. Phew!! So I started talking ( I hope not too fast). On the whole, I think I did pretty well. Mrs Leung liked on of my ideas. I shall put a picture of my prototype as well. The class returned happily although the results were not yet revealed. After lunch, the class was dismissed. I had mistaken the interview time as 1pm. It was supposed to be 2pm. Opps!

The interview was horrible. I was so relieved when we left the room. We stayed in there for about 1 hour and 10mins. Longer than the expected 4omins. The teachers shot us questions that was not even required. They started with the theme: which was the Red Indian Thing. I almost wanted to tell the teachers that: if we knew everything, there wouldn't be a need to get us coaches to coach us. They asked us questions like: Now that we tell you that the model has to stop moving before performing the given task and that it has to run on batteries, how would you do it. I mean they so did not say all these before hand. Morever. they used move. And that was such an ambiguous word that anyone could have interpreted it in anyway. This is totally driving me nuts. In short, the interview was horrible. I don't know but we were unable to answer all their questions. I don't think I want to continue talking about it.
We had a break after that. Sandra had hers and we had our LEGO mind challenge at 3.30pm. We ate in class (shhh!) and checked the INET and started screaming. We had gotten in for Drama Night. WHOO!! Together with 108 and 109. YAY! You could bet that we were excited.
The LEGO challenge was done in pairs. It was really fun although there was a time limit. The challenge: was to build a windmill with the given parts so that it would spin without toppling. Averill and I had teamwork, it was fun working with her. We completed the mills but had no idea how it was supposed to spin - but we knew it had something to do with stored energy. And as the instructions that were given were black and white, we could not really see. So we ran back and forth towards the screen with the coloured version of the windmill. Eureka, we finally did it. We almost shrieked in laughter (minus running naked) However, the windmill did not stand when we turned it. In fact, to me, it did not even bother me. I was enjoying myself imensely.
Then there was another written paper - on commonly used items for uncommonly used uses, LOL. I like the name. We were given stuff like what other uses are there for a fork etc. And there were others that asked how do you make a toy that can move for about a metre without you touching it. A globe that has tiny bobs of light inside. To demonstrate the inflating of a puffer fish. Some weird questions huh... so I wrote the weirdest answers ever. I think there is no need to go into detail about that.
Then we were asked questions on what other ways are there to move a wind mill - wind, water, attaching a batter, gears, hitting it. etc. And we went home... I was dog tired that I almost fell asleep eating my dinner. O bOY!!

P.S It is a miracle that I managed to NOT watch bleach for 2 days to complete all these


I & E day/ 9:08 PM

Today had another day of round of Drama Night rehearsal. I participated while doing my cross stiches. I finally completed it!! Anyway, I was supposed to do the Chinese RS game on learning mandarin thing from 7.30 to 7.30am outside of popular but I guess I forgot all about it. Sorry. The highlight of the day is acutally the ACP project also known as I & E day.

All the stalls had been set up from morning and everyone had different shifts to take care of the stall. And everyone helped out. During my break, I walked around purchasing stuff from other classes. I was quite impressed by 101's rainbow stall. They were selling necklaces, beaded bag chains, earrings, bracelets and cute pom-poms. I bout 2 pom-poms, 1 necklace. And then I bought a keychain for my sister. I bought the handphone pouch that I made as well. I want to keep it as a momento. I also had fun selling water babies and photoframes. All 3 photoframes that I made were sold. I am feeling a mixture of happiness and sadness. I put in alot of effort in it, that's why I'm sad. But I am happy that people like and is willing to buy it. One of them had a 'hairpin' that I made by encasing. (picture above)

The day ended with us clearing up and totalling all our profits and taking the leftover stocks back to class. I think we earned about $200. Not bad for the amount of effort that we had put in. I bet that Catherine is seriously relieved that this THING is over. (so am I)


Merit CCA Day/ 8:09 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yumichika?? kawaii! :D
Clown-like Kenpachi
Ren-Byakuya! HAHA!
Is this Rukia!?
Rukia looking better here
Urahara looking like the thing from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Ichimaru by ME :D
Ichimaru 2 by Catherine
This is a random Ichimaru
Ichimaru 4 by Karen Ikakku. !!

Is this Hanataro?
Hollow Mask

Bya-Ruki version of Ken-chan and Yachiru
Byakuya ??
Eyeless Byakuya

Hitsugaya.. looking as red as a crab
Post Activities: Today is merit CCA day. LOL. I had signed up for my own Merit CCA - infocomm. Everyone attended whatever they signed up for that day. There was fencing, ODAC, robotics, photography etc. I learned more on how to use the Adobe Photoshop software that had long been giving me headaches since I had no idea whatsoever on how to use it. I created this really cute header. I might post the picture here if I have time and you can take a look. Before all these, we had Mother Tongue Enrichment. Its not like they will be giving enrichments for Higher Chinese since the school term was already over. It was studying MALAY time. This is one of the programmes that RGS had to offer as a post exam activity. We learnt how to bargain with simple malay. And then how to tell and ask for directions. Its not that simple when you have to try and do simple translation to digest what the cikgu (teacher) was saying. It took us quite awhile for us to respond to what he was talking. After the Merit CCA thing, we were called into the hall for some briefing on tomorrow's ACP or I & E day as they call it. Plus we had to complete some ACP stuff. Jan and Adalie went to the D 'n' T room to make more photoframes. Karen, Jia Le and I were in class making the roses and the sign board. Catherine, Victoria and Charmaine did whatever else was needed to be done at the stall itself. It was really funny. We did not plan on how to decorate the store at all which was due in like an hour. So we took all the scrap cloth from the class locker.

Then just anyhow paste and added a touch of bloody roses to it. It almost looked like a re enactment of some bloody murder scene whereby the person was murdered and the blood had splattered all over the roses. One consolation: the decorations were 100% recycled. Other classes were doing quite well. they seemed well prepared and I must say there were some outstanding once. For example: 109's Shooting Star. It was a very well used theme thoughout the entire decoration. And 101's rainbow connection or something like that. At 3pm the judges commenced judging the stall decorations. I mean I knew we would never win. In fact for our class, ACP was just a minor. It would be a miracle to even just get by it. After all the bustle, I went to the D 'n' T room to help Adalie and Jan. They had created 14 new frames in that 1 hour. WOW!! so pro. I also attempted to do parts of my IVP prototype. In the end, it did not really work. I brought 3 photoframes home to help them decorate and headed back to class to find Karen. I promised I would be back by 4pm.

When I entered the class, she had already busied herself by tidying the class. Thanks alot Karen. and we went home together, talking about Bleach on the way home. I just started watching Code Geass, another of my new adventure on Japanese animes. Bleach only come out with one episode once a week on thursdays, so I started finding alternatives. Its quite good though, that's if you ignore Karen's negative comments on the 'Geass part'. Anyway, I still love BLEACH!!

all you want, but i know, i know your love is just a lie lie. you're nothing but a lie.
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