My sister's birthday is on the 14th April but was celebrated at my house on the 19th April. This will be the first and the last time my mother will organise a party for my sister. My brother and I only had 1 birthday party as well in our entire life. As you can see, the cake was chosen by her. And the tiara on her head was bought by me last year for Christmas as she wanted to be a princess.
My mother and sister planned the games. First we had a colouring contest which I would have won if not for age discrimination. :( (just kidding. I'm not going to fight for presents with the little kids) Next up was pass the parcel. 2 people were made to sing, one to hop and sing a song and the last one to run to the father and say "I Love You" :D AWw....
We had the game whereby the two sides cannot see each other. When the divider is taken down, the first person to shout the name of the other person wins. HAHA! Mean while, I was playing Caleb cause he was feeling a bit anti social.
My mother made my brother do balloon sculptoring for the little kids and they had a 'whale' of a time :D