Today is the start of the long-awaited September holidays after Teacher's Day. The celebration was quite cool, it wasn't boring at least and the jokes were entertaining. After that, Charla and I returned to Kong Hwa to see Mrs Han. On the way, we met up with Claudia, Hui Han, Justin Tan, Joshua, Guan Koi, Cheng Sin, Rui Liang, Aaron, Yen Yi, Pearl and Jia Ling. Joshua is definitely taller than Karen now :D and she is gonna get real angry. Justin looks like he is 175+. No difference in the rest. Met Ulanda, Beckie and Hsin Tong in school, together with Mr Low and Miss Goh. They changed the names of the classess. ARGGHH~ I don't like it. Imagine 6 patience, 1 tolerance and 2 humility. I still prefer the old one.
I am playing the piano again... no more exam pieces but I will be playing Bach 2-3 part inventions, and I started playing the song called Ave Maria. I liked it when I watched La Corda D'Orio. I might try some of the classical songs inside as well. I completed my maths worksheet and the assignment - testing for congruency.
BLEACH MOVIE 3 is out. Advanced tickets selling in Japan opens 30 August, which was yesterday! It will be released on 13th December `08It is entitled FADE TO BLACK: I call your name, starring Kuchiki Rukia. If I am not wrong, this is an IchiRuki movie.
BLEACH MOVIE 2 is out on DVD. :D
Hana Yori Dango Movie is coming out in Singapore in 4 Sep`08. Looking forward to it!
Finished La Corda D'Orio
Prince of Tennis 61
Skip Beat 128
Bleach 185 (filler)